Sutton Ridgerunners Snowmobile Club
Proud member of the New Hampshire Snowmobile Association for 50 years!
ARTICLE I - Name and Purpose
The name of the organization shall be the Sutton Ridgerunners of Sutton, NH. It is a non-profit social club for the promotion of safety, sportsmanship, good will and organized activities for snowmobile enthusiasts.
ARTICLE II - Membership
Section 1: Membership in the Sutton Ridgerunners of Sutton, NH, shall be open to snowmobilers and their families or anyone wishing to join.
Section 2: GUESTS: Guests are welcome at all club functions but will not have voting privileges.
Section 3: DUES: Dues shall be set by the membership at the annual meeting in April. These dues shall include NHSA dues. Categories of membership shall be Family and Individual. Members whose primary club is one other than the Sutton Ridgerunners and pays NHSA dues through that club may also become a member. These dues cover the period July 1 to June 30, the Club year. Payment of dues entitles members to all club privileges. Dues amounts shall be set by vote of the members attending the April annual meeting. Honorary memberships may be designated by the Board or Membership and include all Club privileges however do not include NHSA membership. Memberships include up to two 18 years old or older and up to five children under 18. (Primary member must be at least 18 years old)
ARTICLE III - Officers
Section 1: Officers shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Trail Master/Administrator. This group will be known as the Board of Directors.
Section 2: PRESIDENT: The President shall preside at all meetings and perform other such duties assigned as the office may require and to see that all officers and committees carry out their assigned duties. The President shall be authorized by the club to purchase supplies as necessary.
Section 3: VICE PRESIDENT: The Vice President shall perform all functions of the President in the President’s absence and any other such duties assigned as this office may require.
Section 4: TREASURER: The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the club, keep an accurate record and deposit all funds in an authorized bank, make all authorized payments as voted on by the club in the club’s name, give a financial report at each meeting and perform any other such duties as this office may require. The treasurer shall be allowed to use his/her discretion to purchase cards, flowers, gift, etc. up to a limit of $25 without club approval in the case of a death, illness or special circumstance. The Treasurer shall be authorized by the club to purchase supplies as necessary. The Treasurer shall be responsible for mailing membership cards within ten (10) days of receipt of membership dues.
Section 5: SECRETARY: The Secretary shall keep an accurate record of the regular meetings and carry out all necessary correspondence/public relations of the Club and carry out any other such similar duties as the Club may require. The Secretary is authorized to purchase supplies as needed to carry out the duties of this office.
Section 6: TRAILS MASTER/ADMINISTRATOR: The Trails Master/Administrator may be one or two individuals as the Board may decide. The position(s) is responsible for seeking new trails, securing landowner permission, signing, maintaining of existing trails, safety and any other duties this office may require as related to Trails. The position is also responsible for placement, allocation, maintenance and storage of Club equipment in the off season. It is responsible for New Hampshire Bureau of Trails (NHBOT). The Trail Master/Administrator may have any number of Assistant Trail Masters as required. This position shall maintain an up to date file of all records associated with this position with a copy located in a fire safe location. A current Club trails map will a responsibility of this person.
Section 7: Officers shall run for no more than two (2) consecutive terms in the same office. Should a position have no candidate or become vacant, a member may be appointed by the President and/or the Board.
ARTICLE IV - Committees
Section 1: Special committees may be set up at anytime to perform a one-time operation e.g., By- Laws Committee. When the function of the committee is complete, it shall be dissolved.
Section 2: HISTORIAN: The Historian shall keep a running history of the Club covering the period of his/her office. It should contain a running account of activities, pictures and newspaper clippings. The Historian shall be authorized by the Club to purchase supplies as necessary.
Section 3: ENTERTAINMENT and FUND RAISING COMMITTEE: The Entertainment and Fund Raising Committee shall have at least three (3) members to propose and carry out events
and activities throughout the Club year. This also includes Club meeting refreshments and entertainment.
Section 4: SAFETY COMMITTEE: The Safety Committee is responsible for the safe passage of trails, encouragement and organization of safety courses. It shall report unsafe trail situations or operators to the Trail Master/Administrator, Club or proper Authority. This committee may be one or several persons as the Board may direct.
Section 5: MEMBERSHIP COMMITTEE: The Membership Committee shall consist of the President, Secretary and Treasurer so as to maintain an accurate and up to date list of current members. They shall be responsible for meeting by August to prepare and mail out Application of Membership renewals to current and prospective members. This mailing should include a Presidents letter and proposed schedule for the upcoming year. The Membership Committee shall make available Club decals, patches or memorabilia for Club members. A current map should be made available to members as well as the public.
Section 6: AUDITING COMMITTEE: The Auditing Committee may consist of one person who shall audit the Treasurers books at the end of the Club year, 8/31. This audit shall be completed by the October Club meeting.
Section: 7 NOMINATING COMMITTEE: Nomination of officers and committees shall be made by a Special committee known as the Nominating Committee which shall consist of three (3) members. This committee should meet by March to devise a slate to be voted on by members present at the annual April meeting. Nominations from the floor may also be accepted. Voting may be by voice or ballot as the membership may decide. It should be an objective to bring new participants to the various positions of the Club.
ARTICLE V- Meetings
Section 1: Regular MEETINGS will be held at such times and place as decided upon at the beginning of Club year.
Section 2: SPECIAL MEETINGS may be called at the request of the Board or five (5) members requesting such a meeting. All Club members shall be notified five (5) days prior to this special meeting. In an emergency where five (5) days is too long, the officers shall notify all members by telephone or e-mail. All decisions are to be made by Club members present at the designated place.
ARTICLE VI - Amendments
Section 1: Amendments to these by-laws may be made by special committee to be known as the By-Laws Committee to be completed 30 days prior to the annual April meeting. It will require a majority vote of the members present at the meeting. The By-Laws Committee shall be responsible for the final print of the By-Laws with approved changes. These shall be dated as to when revisions were made and signed by the Club officers. When amendments are made to existing By-Laws at regular meetings they shall be added to existing By-Laws in a timely manner and a revision date shall appear on the final page and signed by Club Officers. The original set of By-Laws will be kept in a fire safe location as designated by the Club members with all existing past meeting minutes and Trail records.
ARTICLE VII - Miscellaneous
Section 1: There shall be no alcoholic beverages during Club meetings.
Section 2: If the Club should disband, all Club monies shall be turned over to the North Sutton Improvement Society as written in the letter of Incorporation.
Section 3: The Club shall be responsible for replenishing any supplies e.g., coffee, cocoa, cups, etc., belonging to the designated meeting place.
Section 4: No Club material, equipment, or trails shall be destroyed, sold, or given up without Board or Club member’s approval.
8-6-15 amended by Special Meeting 8-06-15
10-28-09 draft update to 9-27-09 version
9-27-2009 final draft of proposed By-Law changes
9-16-2009 draft 2 of proposed By-Law changes
9-1-2009 proposed By-Law Changes by
By-Laws Committee: C. Ash, T. Paul, J. Stone, C. Forsberg
Updating By-Laws dated 4-10-90 by L. Palmer, A.